He’s blessed by God with deep insight.
When I’m like a starved sheep in dire need,
God’s Word from him is like succulent feed.
When I feel my search for nurture is complete,
He shows me there’s much more beneath my feet.
He prefers that I don’t run with the herd,
At such times in my life, he is my shepherd.
In seasons of life when like a defeated athlete,
I lay on the floor, intending to quit.
At his counsel I’m strengthened to take it on the chin,
He helps me to remember it’s not over until I win.
With his drills and exercises, mental and spiritual,
I build muscles of endurance and resilience to every trial.
He’s more than a cheerleader in his approach,
He’s my trainer, yes, he’s really my coach.
When in life’s school, it’s like a tough semester,
With so much expected, like one in her third trimester,
He moves me gradually from problem to solution,
Initial stumbling blocks become stepping stones.
Line upon line and precept upon precept,
His instructions make me so much more adept.
These are the times that he’s more than a lecturer,
He brings me to school and he is my teacher.
In happy times of increase and blessing,
I see he’s not intimidated by my lifting.
Though he’s glad that I’m now experiencing comfort,
He’s not hypocritical to be quiet when I fall short.
To those places that I need to go that he’s been,
He shows me an easier path than it was for him.
These are the times that he’s more than a motivator,
Without a doubt, he is my mentor.
Whenever I visit the House of Bread,
I’m always nourished, always well fed.
That’s because whether or not he’s around,
He ensures there’s enough bread to go round.
Like a butler he sees to drinks being on each table,
The wine of the Spirit he pours for all to drink as able.
These are the times that he’s more than a baker,
More than a brother, he is my father
There’s more to him than the eyes can see,
So many things that he’s been to me.
But one thing he’s really been, that’s hard to comprehend,
Is how sincerely he’s always been my friend.
Only a friend would be all the above to me,
Yet relate with me with such great humility.
Handsomely crafted like a great work of art,
He’s a sweetheart, a brave heart, his name is GoodHeart.
Meet my Shepherd, meet my Coach,
Meet God’s servant without reproach
Meet my Teacher, Mentor and Father,
Meet God’s gift to the church like none other.
Meet my Pastor, meet my Friend,
Meet Revd. GoodHeart O. C. Ekwueme.

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