Sunday, March 26, 2023



There's a reason that sexuality doesn't rank as high on a woman's list as it does on a man's, and I believe it's because sexuality is a very complex issue for a woman.

Your wife's sexuality is wrapped up in two things:
1. How she feels about herself
2. How she feels about you

The way a woman feels about herself has a lot to do with how she has been treated by men throughout her life.

If a woman doesn't feel attractive or sexy, it's difficult for her to act like she is.

However, a man can reassure his wife of how attractive she is to him and how much he loves her, and feeling attractive and loved makes a woman want to share herself with her husband in the most intimate ways.

The way your wife feels about you, will immensely affect her desire for intimacy.

For a woman, sex comes out of affection. She has no desire to be affectionate with a man who makes her feel hurt and neglected.

A woman's true sexuality is wrapped up in how loved and valued she feels, and it's very difficult for her to give herself to someone who has made her feel bad.

Trust is also a huge factor in a successful sexual relationship. Your wife must be able to trust you. She can tolerate mistakes in other areas if she knows you are truthful.

A woman never fully gives her body, mind, and emotions to a man she doesn't trust.

A woman can get sidetracked by many things and end up neglecting the sexual relationship with her husband. That's why it's important to pray about it.

Sex needs to be a priority in a marriage. Far too often a wife does not understand how great her husband's need for sex actually is. That's why it's good for you to pray that your wife will gain a clear understanding of this and give you the physical intimacy you need. And you don't have to feel like you're being selfish in doing that. You're not. You are watching over and spiritually covering a vital part of your marriage that, if neglected, could lead to your marriage's destruction. You can't leave this highly important aspect of your relationship up to chance.

Women want to be able to share affection with their husband without always having it lead to the sex act. Your wife wants a sense of togetherness—a hug, a kiss, a simple touch, an embrace — that doesn't always lead to physical intimacy. Sometimes she needs emotional connection, affirmation, and closeness without having to perform.

There is nothing more attractive to a woman than a man who is strong in the Lord. It makes him irresistible.

If you want to be more attractive to your wife, grow deeper in the Lord. Let God mold your heart, and He will also enhance your appearance as you are transformed into His likeness.

Please pray for your wife that:
1. Your sexual relationship will be fulfilling for both of you.
2. You will be unselfish with one another.
3. Romance will stay alive in your marriage.
4. There will be great affection and desire between you.
5. She will be understanding of your needs.
6. She will not be too exhausted to be intimate.
7. You will be able to please one another sexually.

1 Corinthians 7:4,5
1 Corinthians 7:2,3
Hebrews 13:4
1 Corinthians 6:1 8
1 Thessalonians 4:3-5

Chapter Ten | Chapter Twelve

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#23MinuteChallenge | Bible Project Reading Plan | Day 085 | Rise and Fall of Israel’s Kingdom | 1 Samuel 25 – 27, Psalm 85

#23MinuteChallenge | Bible Project Reading Plan

Day 085 | Rise and Fall of Israel’s Kingdom

1 Samuel 25 – 27, Psalm 85

Source: Bible Project Reading Plan

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Saturday, March 25, 2023



In our house, our children knew that while it might be possible to cut a deal on the punishment for certain infractions, if lying was part of the offense, the punishment would be swift, immediate, unpleasant, and nonnegotiable.

We consider telling a lie to be the worst offense because it is foundational for all other evil acts. Every sin or crime begins with someone believing or speaking a lie. Even if the lie is as simple as “I can get what I want if I lie,” it paves the way for evil.

People who lie believe that lying will make things better for them. But actually, it does just the opposite.

Telling a lie means you have aligned yourself with Satan.

Every time you lie you give Satan a piece of your heart. The more lies you tell, the more you give place in your heart to Satan’s lying spirit, until eventually you can’t stop yourself from lying.

Getting treasures by a lying tongue is the fleeting fantasy of those who seek death’ (Proverbs 21:6). In other words, you may think you’re getting something by lying, but all you’re really doing is bringing death into your life.

The punishment you receive from your parents for lying will be far more pleasant than the consequences of lying.

Children will lie at one time or another. The question is not if they will, but whether or not lying will become something they believe they can get away with. How we handle their lying will determine the outcome. If we don’t teach our children what God says about lying, they won’t know why it’s wrong. If we don’t discipline them when they lie, they will think that lying has no consequence. If we don’t pray about this issue now, there will be bigger issues to deal with later.

When you consider the source, there is no way you can sit by and allow the seed of a lie to take root in your child’s heart. (John 8:44). 

Pray now that any lying spirit will be uprooted—not only in your children, but in yourself as well. Sometimes parents are soft on this subject with their children because they lie themselves. We need to reject the way of lying and follow the truth. We need to be an example to our children. We want to be able to say as John did, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth” (3 John 1:4). We don’t want our children to be aligned with the father of lies. We want them to be aligned with the Father of Lights ( James 1:17).

Proverbs 12:22
Psalm 119:28-29
Proverbs 3:3-4
2 Thessalonians 2:9-10
John 14:15-17

Chapter Ten | Chapter Twelve

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#23MinuteChallenge | Bible Project Reading Plan | Day 084 | Rise and Fall of Israel’s Kingdom | 1 Samuel 21 – 24, Psalm 84

#23MinuteChallenge | Bible Project Reading Plan

Day 084 | Rise and Fall of Israel’s Kingdom

1 Samuel 21 – 24, Psalm 84

Source: Bible Project Reading Plan

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Sunday, March 19, 2023



I have never met a woman who would not enjoy being told that she is beautiful, especially by the man in her life.

God made women beautiful. Inherent in a woman is the desire to see beauty, both in herself and in her surroundings.

The main thing that makes a woman beautiful is knowing that she is loved. That's why having God's Spirit living in her and spending time in God's presence in praise and worship is the most effective beauty treatment available. His love beautifies her inside and out.

Her husband's love also makes a woman beautiful.

One of the reasons raising children can be such a great fulfillment to a woman is that love and affection are flowing through her and to her all day long. But as great as that love is, she needs her husband's love more. His
love fulfills her as a person. It makes her rich. It causes her to feel beautiful. And all that goodness flows back into his life in return.

Your wife is beautiful. Even though she may not be perfect, there is beauty in her. I know this because you would not have married her if you hadn’t seen her beauty. No man marries a woman if he can't find anything beautiful about her. She has to appeal to him in some way. And no matter how long you are married, you will always be able to find that beauty in your wife if you love her enough to look for it and tell her when you see it.

The more a man encourages a woman to feel beautiful, the more beautiful she will become.

How your wife feels about herself is ultimately as important to your happiness as it is to hers.

Although you cannot be responsible for the image of herself that your wife brought into your marriage, you can contribute either positively or negatively to the image she grows into.

Your words have more power to bring out the beauty in your wife than you ever dreamed possible.

No matter how much a man tells a woman she is beautiful and valuable, if she doesn't believe it inside herself, it will never be enough. That's where your prayers can make all the difference. Your prayers can set her free from lies of the past and enable her to hear God speak the truth to her heart.

Pray for your wife to be free from the tyranny of the world's spirit and to get her eyes focused on the beauty of the Lord. His reflection will make her more beautiful than anything else.

Not only should you tell your wife how beautiful she is, but you should tell your daughter also. She needs that from you more than you will ever know.

Please pray for your wife that:
1. She will know that she is loved by God.
2. She will sense the beauty of the Lord in herself.
3. She will feel loved by you.
4. She will value herself.
5. She will find time to take care of herself
6. She will know how to make herself more attractive.
7. You will always think she is beautiful.

Proverbs 31:30
I Peter 3:3,4
Psalm 45:11
Psalm 29:2
Ecclesiastes 3:11

Chapter Nine | Chapter Eleven

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#23MinuteChallenge | Bible Project Reading Plan | Day 078 | Rise and Fall of Israel’s Kingdom | 1 Samuel 1 – 3, Psalm 78

#23MinuteChallenge | Bible Project Reading Plan

Suggested Video

Overview: 1 Samuel

Day 078 | Rise and Fall of Israel’s Kingdom

1 Samuel 1 – 3, Psalm 78

Source: Bible Project Reading Plan

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Saturday, March 18, 2023



Not knowing who God made us to be, trying to be who we are not, or even just desiring to be someone else, can only lead to a life of misery, frustration, and unfulfillment.

We become the person God created us to be when we ask God for guidance and then do what He tells us to do.

Destructive things happen to us when we don’t respond to God’s voice. We can pray that our children have ears to hear God’s voice so such misery doesn’t happen to them. (Jeremiah 35:17).

One of the devil’s plans for young people is to get them to compare themselves with others, judge themselves as deficient, and then seek to be someone they were not created to be.

Day after day comparing and falling short can attack the true identity of a child. Too many young people who, by the time they reach their teens, long to be someone other than who they are. Instead of appreciating who God made them to be and spending their energies trying to be their best at that, they strive and strain to be something they can’t be, doing something that will never fulfill them.

Our prayers can block this plan of the enemy and give our children a clear vision of themselves and their future.

From the time my children were small I prayed for God to reveal to us what their gifts and talents are. Along with that I asked for wisdom as to how to best encourage, nurture, develop, and train them to be all God made them to be. Helping them to appreciate their strengths and not dwell on their weaknesses was part of that; and since this wasn’t easy during their teen years, it was a frequent focus of my prayers.

The biggest part of helping my son and daughter understand who God created them to be was encouraging their relationship with the Lord. I know they will never fully understand who they are until they understand who God is.

You will see a confident and radiant expression on the face of any child who can say with conviction, “I am the Lord’s.” Do you want that for your child enough to pray for it?

1 Peter 2:9
1 Corinthians 2:9
2 Peter 1:10
Romans 8:28-30
Isaiah 60:1

Chapter Nine | Chapter Eleven

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#23MinuteChallenge | Bible Project Reading Plan | Day 077 | Rise and Fall of Israel’s Kingdom | Ruth 1 – 4, Psalm 77

#23MinuteChallenge | Bible Project Reading Plan

Suggested Video

Overview: Ruth

Day 077 | Rise and Fall of Israel’s Kingdom

Ruth 1 – 4, Psalm 77

Source: Bible Project Reading Plan

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Sunday, March 12, 2023



Society expects a lot of women. 

Sometimes your wife may feel the pressure of so many expectations at once that it overwhelms her, and this makes her less effective in getting done what she needs to do. She may even get discouraged and short-circuit. Understanding all this will help you pray for her.

The Bible says it's futile to try to establish a home without asking God to build it. Taking care of a home includes countless small tasks that have to be done again and again, and some tasks are so menial that we don’t even think of asking God to be in the midst of them. But He will lighten our load if we yoke up with Him in all that we do.

It would take so much of the pressure off of your wife if you would pray that the burden of caring for the home would be lifted. Don't hesitate to ask God what you can do to help lighten her load as well. 

Keeping a home can be a very thankless job for a woman, especially if no one is, well, thanking her. So remember to show her your appreciation for all she does in the home. She needs to know that you approve, and that you will not thoughtlessly increase her workload.

In setting priorities, a women will generally put everything and everyone before herself.

If she is constantly doing for everyone else and never taking time for herself, it will deplete her emotionally and physically.

Pray for her to take time for herself. It will not make her self-centered, it will make her God-centered.

Pray that God will reveal to your wife what her priorities should be.

Please pray for your wife that:
1. She will remember to put God first.
2. She will take time for you.
3. She will balance her time with the children.
4. She will take needed time for herself.
5. She will be able to create a warm and inviting home.
6. She will always use her time wisely.
7. She will understand what her priorities are.

Ecclesiastes 3:1
Matthew 6:33
Psalm 127:1
Proverbs 31:27
Psalm 37:31

Chapter Eight | Chapter Ten

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#23MinuteChallenge | Bible Project Reading Plan | Day 071 | The Promised Land | Judges 4 – 5, Psalm 71

#23MinuteChallenge | Bible Project Reading Plan

Day 071 | The Promised Land

Judges 4 – 5, Psalm 71

Source: Bible Project Reading Plan

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Saturday, March 11, 2023



Fearing God means having a deeply committed respect, love, and reverence for God’s authority and power. It means being afraid of what life would be like without Him and being grateful that because of His love we’ll never have to experience such despair. It means hungering for all that God is and all that He has for us.

When we do our part to teach, instruct, discipline, and train our children in the ways of God . . .
• when we read them stories from God’s Word,
• when we teach them how to pray and have faith that God is who He says He is and will do what He says He’ll do,
• when we help them get plugged in with godly friends,
• when we show them that walking with God brings joy and fulfillment, not boredom and restrictions, 
• when we pray with and for them about everything,

. . . then our children will develop a hunger for the things of God.

“the fear of the Lord prolongs days, but the years of the wicked will be shortened” (Proverbs 10:27).

Finding a church that is actively teaching God’s Word, showing God’s love, and sharing God’s joy with its children and young people will make a big difference in helping your children develop a hunger for the things of God.

Start right now by praying for your child to fear God, have faith in Him and His Word, and develop the kind of heart that seeks after Him.

It’s never too early to begin praying about this. Don’t wait another moment.

Matthew 5:6
Proverbs 14:27
Galatians 2:20
Psalm 119:2
Psalm 86:11-12

Chapter Eight | Chapter Ten

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#23MinuteChallenge | Bible Project Reading Plan | Day 070 | The Promised Land | Judges 1 – 3, Psalm 70

#23MinuteChallenge | Bible Project Reading Plan

Suggested Video

Overview: Judges

Day 070 | The Promised Land

Judges 1 – 3, Psalm 70

Source: Bible Project Reading Plan

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Sunday, March 5, 2023



A woman needs close friendships with other women. She doesn't need many—it's the quality that counts more than the quantity. But the right caliber of friends is very important.

Your wife needs friends who build her up and enrich her life. She needs trustworthy and faithful companions to talk to, to pray with, to offer help when she needs it, and with whom she can discuss important topics about which you may not have the slightest interest.

These kinds of friends will help your wife to grow, and ultimately add to your marriage relationship.

Relationships with family members are extremely important and must be covered in prayer as well. 

In-law relationships can be especially delicate. That's why you can't assume that your wife's relationship with your family is going to be fine. In fact, the type of relationship she has with them will depend a lot on you.

Ask God to show you the truth about your wife's relationship with your family.

Your wife can't force people to love her, yet you might be able to say something to her or your family that would make a difference.

When a husband brings a wife into his family, he owes it to her to pray that she will find favor with each of his family members. Just because he fell in love with her doesn't mean they will.

Besides good relationships with friends and family members, every married couple needs to have at least two or three other couples with whom they can spend time. It's worth praying for these couples to come into your lives. If you already have these kinds of friends, pray for the friendships to grow.

The Bible says we should not be "unequally yoked together with unbelievers" (2 Corinthians 6:14). This doesn't mean you can't have any unbelieving friends, but the relationships that influence you the most should be with people who strive to live God's way. We all know unbelievers who make better "Christians" than certain Christians. So pray that God will take out of your lives anyone who will not prove to be a positive influence.

When husbands and wives are unforgiving toward one another and don't treat each other with respect, not only do they suffer, but so do their children, family members, friends, co-workers, and anyone else with whom they come into contact. When a person has unforgiveness in his or her heart toward anyone, people who are around them pick up on it, even if they don't know exactly what it is.

Please pray for your wife that:
1. She will have close friendships with godly women.
2. She will have good relationships with all family members.
3. She will find favor with her in-laws.
4. She will not be an "injustice collector."
5. She will be able to release hurts from the past.
6. She will forgive others completely.
7. She will experience reconciliation where there is now estrangement.

Proverbs 12:26
Mark 11:25
Proverbs 18:24
Ephesians 4:31,32
Luke 6:37

Chapter Seven | Chapter Nine

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#23MinuteChallenge | Bible Project Reading Plan | Day 064 | The Wilderness | Deuteronomy 32 – 34, Psalm 64

#23MinuteChallenge | Bible Project Reading Plan

Suggested Video

Overview: Deuteronomy

Day 064 | The Wilderness

Deuteronomy 32 – 34, Psalm 64

Source: Bible Project Reading Plan

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Saturday, March 4, 2023



I have always prayed for my children’s friends and, for the most part, they’ve had great ones. Occasionally they’ve made friends I have always prayed for my children’s friends and, for the most part, they’ve had great ones. Occasionally they’ve made friends that, as a parent, I had reservations about. What I didn’t like was the type of influence they were on my child. 

The way I always handled this situation was to pray. I prayed for that child to be changed or else be taken out of my child’s life. In every case that prayer was answered.

Parents often have gut-level feelings about their children’s friends. When that happens, ask God for Holy Spirit–inspired discernment and pray accordingly.

One of my most fervent times of intercession regarding my children’s friends came when we moved from California to Tennessee. Because I knew how difficult this time could be for my children, every day in the months before and after we moved I prayed, “Lord, help my children to make godly friends. I know that You brought us here and You will not leave my children forsaken. I’m concerned that in their need for acceptance they’ll end up with friends whose moral standards are not as high as Yours. Bring godly role models into their lives.”

I often lay awake at night praying on their behalf.

Eventually people came into their lives who have become some of the greatest friends they’ve ever had. This is not just a coincidence or a fairy-tale ending. This is a result of intercessory prayer. This is the result of crying out to God, saying, “God, help my children to attract godly friends and role models.”

God’s Word clearly instructs us: “Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. That doesn’t mean our children can never have a nonbelieving friend. But there is a clear implication that their closest friends, the ones to whom they have strong ties, should be believers.

“Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?” (Amos 3:3). No, they can’t. That means if they are not agreed, somebody has to change. And that’s why “The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray” (Proverbs 12:26).

If your child doesn’t have close believing friends, begin to pray right now toward that end.

We have the power of God and the truth of His Word behind us. Don’t stand for someone leading your child astray.

One of the greatest influences in our children’s lives will be their friends and role models. How can we not pray about them?

Proverbs 4:14
1 Corinthians 5:11
Proverbs 24:21-22
Proverbs 22:24-25
Psalm 1:1

Chapter Seven | Chapter Nine

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#23MinuteChallenge | Bible Project Reading Plan | Day 063 | The Wilderness | Deuteronomy 30 – 31, Psalm 63

#23MinuteChallenge | Bible Project Reading Plan

Day 063 | The Wilderness

Deuteronomy 30 – 31, Psalm 63

Source: Bible Project Reading Plan

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