Sunday, June 19, 2022

#22MinuteChallenge | Bible Project Reading Plan | Day 170 | The Prophets of the Exile | Jeremiah 7-9, Psalm 15

#22MinuteChallenge | Bible Project Reading Plan

Day 170 | The Prophets of the Exile

Jeremiah 7-9, Psalm 15

Source: Bible Project Reading Plan

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  1. “ ‘You are trusting the words of a saying. It’s a lie that cannot help you.
    Jeremiah 7:8 GW

  2. “ ‘But go to my place that was at Shiloh, where I first made a dwelling place for my name. See what I did to Shiloh because of the evil done by my people Israel.
    Jeremiah 7:12 GW

  3. They aren’t really provoking me,” declares the Lord. “But they are ⌞harming⌟ themselves to their own shame.
    Jeremiah 7:19 GW

  4. When I brought your ancestors out of Egypt, I did not tell them anything about burnt offerings and sacrifices. But I did tell them this, ‘Obey me, and I will be your God, and you will be my people. Live the way I told you to live so that things will go well for you.’
    Jeremiah 7:22‭-‬23 GW

  5. Even storks know when it’s time to return. Mourning doves, swallows, and cranes know when it’s time to migrate. But my people don’t know that I, the Lord, am urging them to return.
    Jeremiah 8:7 GW

  6. Isn’t there medicine in Gilead? Aren’t there doctors there? Then why hasn’t the health of my dear people been restored?
    Jeremiah 8:22 GW

  7. This is what the Lord of Armies says: I will now refine them with fire and test them. What else can I do for my dear people?
    Jeremiah 9:7 GW

  8. If they want to brag, they should brag that they understand and know me. They should brag that I, the Lord, act out of love, righteousness, and justice on the earth. This kind of bragging pleases me, declares the Lord.
    Jeremiah 9:24 GW

  9. The one who does not collect interest on a loan or take a bribe against an innocent person. Whoever does these things will never be shaken.
    Psalms 15:5 GW
