Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Now it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said to her son, “Bring me another vessel.” And he said to her, “There is not another vessel.” So the oil ceased.

2nd Kings 4:6

A prophet, believed by historians to be Obadiah, hid several prophets and fed them with his own money. It now got to a point in time that he ran low on funds so he went out to borrow money to keep feeding the prophets. When he died, the creditors came for his two sons to have them become slaves because apparently, they were his collateral. What Elisha asked her to do and the outcome of her obedience in belief of his instruction, guaranteed her prosperity (2nd Chronicles. 20:20)

When the prophet asked her earlier of what she had, the reply she gave suggested her disdain of the little that was left. Never despise what you have because God can multiply it. When you seem to be in want, first of all, take a look at your hand: what are you most skillful at doing? Take a look in your heart: what are you most passionate about? Take a look in your head: what are the predominant thought and ideas? Then take a look in your house: what material do you already posses that can serve as a variable for God to multiply? There will always be something left with the intrinsic potential to take you to the next level. When what you have is not sufficient to be called your harvest, then it’s a seed. It’s meant for sowing and not for eating.

The prophet asked her to borrow vessels from all her neighbors. She could only go as far as she had neighbors – your network is you net worth. Shutting the door behind her meant that for every trade, there is a secret which should not be put down. When she started to pour, the flow of the oil continued for as long as it took to fill the capacity she had made available. The capacity set a limit on the extent of breakthrough she could experience. The problem was not with the oil flow but with its destination. Sometimes it appears as though God isn’t answering our prayers for increase while all along, He’s been asking calmly, “where do I put it?” The time interval between the request and answers to our prayers is when capacity should be built. If you want God to put food on your table, leave the table uncluttered. Spiritually, we can increase capacity by fasting, study and meditation in the Word. Exposure and education can increase our capacity mentally. When it comes to financial capacity, we cause an increase when we give or increase the number of causes we finance. Nature abhors a vacuum. Wherever room is made, infilling occurs. Let it flow!

- ‘Bayor – 2009/2011

(Inspirations: Rev. Olumide Emmanuel, Pastor Sam Oye, Pastor Paul Adefarasin...etc)

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